
2010.09-2018.07 中南大学 应用化学 博士
2004.01-2008.01 华东师范大学 理学 硕士
1989.09-1993.07 yl6809永利 化学 学士
[1]湖南省自然科学基金面上项目, 2020JJ4506,Li3V2(P1-xSixO4)3/C复合物的制备及其作为水系混合电池正极材料的电化学性能,主持。
[2]湖南省教育厅科学研究项目, 18C0551,微纳结构K1.33Mn8O16的制备及其在水系电解液中的锌离子电化学嵌−脱行为,主持。
[3]锰锌矿业重金属污染综合防治技术湖南省工程实验室开放基金项目, MXKF201902, Intertwined结构MnO2纳米线/CNT复合材料的制备及其作为柔性ARZIBs正极的性能,主持。
[4]湖南省锰锌钒产业技术协同创新中心科研支持基金项目, Na2Mn5O10纳米粉体的制备及其电化学储能应用, MXF201917, 主持。
[1] Sol–gel synthesis of K1-33Mn8O16nanorods and their applications for aqueous K-ion hybrid supercapacitors, Materials Research Bulletin(ISSN:0025-5408), 2019-01, 第一, SCI收录,最新IF=4.019
[2] Facile synthesis of Pd/N-doped reduced graphene oxide via a moderate wet-chemical route for non-enzymatic electrochemical detection of estradiol, Journal of Alloys and Compounds(ISSN:0925-8388), 2018-11, 共同第一, SCI收录, 最新IF=4.65
[3] A systematically comparative study on LiNO3 and Li2SO4 aqueous electrolytes for electrochemical double-layer capacitors,ElectrochimicaActa(ISSN:0013-4686), 2018-06, 第一, SCI收录,最新IF=6.215
[4] Facile synthesis of Ag@Cu2O heterogeneous nanocrystals decorated N-doped reduced graphene oxide with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for ultrasensitive detection of H2O2, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical(ISSN:0925-4005), 2018-04, 第二, SCI收录, 最新IF=7.1
[5] Facile synthesis of Pd−Cu@Cu2O/N-RGO hybrid and its application for electrochemical detection of tryptophan,ElectrochimicaActa(ISSN:0013-4686), 2018-01,第二,SCI收录,最新IF=6.215
[6] Facile synthesis of MnO2-embedded flower-like hierarchical porous carbon microspheres as an enhanced electrocatalyst for sensitive detection of caffeic acid, AnalyticaChimicaActa(ISSN:0003-2670), 2017-09, 第二, SCI收录, 最新IF=5.977
[7] Synthesis of a nanocomposite consisting of Cu2O and N-doped reduced graphene oxide with enhanced electrocatalytic activity for amperometric determination of diethylstilbestrol,MicrochimicaActa(ISSN:1436-5073), 2017-08, 第二, SCI收录, 最新IF=6.232
[8] Facile synthesis of 3D porous nitrogen-doped graphene as an efficient electrocatalyst for adenine sensing, RSC Advances(ISSN:2046-2069), 2016-03, 第二, SCI收录, 最新IF=3.119
[9] Electrochemical performance of carbon-coated Li3V2(PO4)3 as a cathode material for asymmetric hybrid capacitors,ElectrochimicaActa(ISSN:0013-4686),2013-09,第一, SCI收录,最新IF=6.215
[10] Facile assembly of a 3D rGO/MWCNTs/Fe2O3 ternary composite as the anode material for high-performance lithium ion batteries, RSC Advances(ISSN: 2046-2069), 2013-06,第二, SCI收录, 最新IF=3.119
[11] Facile synthesis of α-MoO3nanobelts and their pseudocapacitive behavior in an aqueous Li2SO4 solution, Journal of Materials Chemistry A(ISSN:2050-7496), 2012-12, 第一,SCI收录, 最新IF=11.301