
2017.03—2021.06 |
西北工业大学 |
材料物理与化学 |
博士 |
2013.09—2016.06 |
yl6809永利 |
应用化学 |
硕士 |
2009.09—2013.06 |
湖南工程学院 |
应用化学 |
学士 |
[1] 新能源方向:二维光电极的构筑与光电催化产氢性能;
[2] 电子器件方向:氧化物二维电子气的输运、自旋极化与光物理特性。
[1] 湖南省自然科学基金青年基金项目,NO.S2022JJQNJJ0269,“缺陷工程调控SrTiO3基光阳极表/界面电荷传输与水分解性能研究”,2022/01—2024/12,主持。
[1] M Li, H.J. Dong, X. Y. Wei, et al. Ferroelectricity-like polarization in GdAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces, J. Phys. Chem. C, 126(1), 611 (2022).
[2] M Li, R.S. Yang, X. Y. Wei, et al. Display of the spin-orbit interactions at amorphous ReAlO3/SrTiO3 (Re=La, Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd) heterointerfaces, ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 13, 21964 (2021).
[3]M Li, Y. Zhou, Y.H. Chen, et al. Revealing the effect of rare earth elements at ReAlO3/SrTiO3 (Re=La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tm) heterointerfaces, J Phys Chem Lett, 12, 1657 (2021).
[4]M Li R.S. Yang,Y. Zhao,et al. A comparation of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces grown by spin coating and pulsed laser deposition methods, J Cryst Growth, 558, 125912 (2021).
[5]M Li, S.H. Wang, Y. Zhao, et al. Review on fabrication methods of SrTiO3-based two dimensional conductive interfaces, Eur Phys J-Appl Phycs, 93,21302 (2021) (mini-review).
[6]M Li, Z.T. Zhang, H. Yan, et al. Creation and control of quasi-two dimensional electron gas at yttriumaluminum oxides/strontium titanate heterointerfaces by spin coating, Phys Lett A, 384, 126283 (2020).
[7]M Li,H. Yan,Z.T. Zhang, et al. Quasi-two-dimensional electron gas at γ-Al2O3/SrTiO3 heterointerfaces fabricated by spin coating method, J Appl Phys, 124, 145301 (2018).
[8]M Li, Y J Li*, F.T. Chen, et al. Electrically enhanced photocatalysis for gas-phase benzaldehyde degradation by ordered mesoporous titania/conductive carbon felts, Electrochim Acta, 216 517 (2016).
[9] Y J Li*, M Li, P. Xu, et al. Efficient photocatalytic degradation of acid orange 7 over N-doped ordered mesoporous titania on carbon fibers under visible-light irradiation based on three synergistic effects, Appl Catal A-Gen, 524 163 (2016).
[10] M Li,Y J Li,P. Xu,et al. Preparation and photoelectrocatalytic performance of mesoporous titanium dioxide/conductive carbon felt electrode, Chem J Chinese U,36, 1596 (2015).
[11]李铭,李佑稷,林晓,等. Pt掺杂介孔TiO2/导电碳毡光电极的制备及光电催化性能,复合材料学报, 33, 2893 (2016).
[12]李铭, 李佑稷,徐鹏,等. 介孔(TiO2-M)/导电碳毡光电极制备及其光电催化性能,环境工程学报, 11,1027(2017).
[13]李铭, 李佑稷,徐鹏,等. 介孔二氧化钛/导电碳毡光电极制备及其苯甲醛降解机理分析,环境工程学报, 10, 2567(2016).
[1] 金克新,李铭. 溶液制备氧化物界面电子气的方法,授权号:CN201810570321.3.
[2]李佑稷,李铭. Pt@BiPO4/GR高效可见光催化复合纳米纤维及其制备方法, 授权号:CN201510097736.X.
[3]李佑稷,李铭.量子点敏化石墨烯基介孔包覆CdSe@MT/GR可见光催化复合纳米材料及制备工艺, 授权号:CN201410844622.2.
[4]李佑稷,李铭. 导电炭毡负载掺铁介孔氧化钛气体扩散光电极及其制备方法, 授权号:CN201510407951.5.
[5]李佑稷,林晓,李铭.一种静电纺丝法制备Fe2O3/V2O5复合纤维的方法, 授权号:CN201510365942.4.