
2013.09—2021.06 |
中南大学 |
化学 |
博士 |
2009.09—2012.06 |
yl6809永利 |
分析化学 |
硕士 |
1999.09—2003.06 |
西北农林科技大学 |
食品科学与工程 |
学士 |
[2] 动植物新资源开发利用及功能研究
[1] 大鲵资源保护与综合利用湖南省工程实验室开放基金,DNGC2106,中国大鲵肌肉组织蛋白分析及活性研究,2021/07-2023/06,主持
[3]国家自然科学基金委员会, 地区科学基金项目, 22164010, 基于印迹识别-纳米增强近红外荧光毛细分析新方法及其对肿瘤标志物分析应用研究, 2022/01-2025/12,在研, 参与
[4]湖南省科技厅, 湖南省重点研发计划项目, 2022NK2036, 莓茶产业化关键技术研究与示范, 2022/01-2024/01,在研, 参与
[1]Daohong Wu, Yaliang Huang, Shengqiang Hu, Xinyao Yi and Jianxiu Wang. Sensitive Hg2+ sensing via quenching the fluorescence of the complex between polythymine and 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-methyl-4-pyridyl) porphyrin (TMPyP). Sensors, 2018, 18(11): 3998.
[2] Daohong Wu, Hanwen Lu, Jingrui Wang, Ling Wu, Lin Liu, Xinyao Yi, Jianxiu Wang, Hailin Tang. Amplified electrochemical detection of circular RNA in breast cancer patients using ferrocene-capped gold nanoparticle/streptavidin conjugates. Microchemical Journal, 2021, 164: 106066.
[3]Daohong Wu, Yuhan He, Liujuan Tong, Jianxiu Wang, Lin Liu, Xinyao Yi, Shengqiang Hu. Electrochemical determination of caspase-3 using signal amplification by HeLa cells modified with silver nanoparticles. Microchimica Acta, 2021, 188(4): 110.
[4]Daohong Wu, Ning Xia and Xinyao Yi. Electrochemical biosensors for microRNA detection using duplex-specific nuclease based signal amplification strategies. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2020, 15(12): 12136-12148.
[5]Lin Liu, Daohong Wu(共同第一作者), Shuang Zhen, Kaiqing Lu, Xinyao Yi, Zhifang Sun. Electrochemical detection of telomerase in cancer cells based on the in-situ formation of streptavidin-biotin-DNA networks for signal amplification. Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 334: 129659.
[6] Ning Xia, Daohong Wu(共同第一作者), Ting Sun, Yilin Wang, Xiaoyu Ren, Feng Zhao, Lin Liu, Xinyao Yi. Magnetic bead-based electrochemical and colorimetric methods for the detection of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 with boronic acid derivatives as the signal probes. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 327: 128913.
[7] Ming La, Daohong Wu(共同第一作者), Yanping Gao, Ning Xia, Yifan Niu, Lin Liu, Xinyao Yi. Competitive impedimetric aptasensors for detection of small molecule pollutants by the signal amplification of self-assembled biotin-phenylalanine nanoparticle networks. Electrochemistry Communications, 2020, 118: 106791.
[8] Fan Wu, Baohong Sun, Xiaohong Chu, Qicheng Zhang, Zhangcai She, Saijie Song, Ninglin Zhou, Jun Zhang, Xinyao Yi, Daohong Wu(通讯作者)and Jianxiu Wang. Hyaluronic Acid-Modified porous carbon-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles for magnetic resonance imaging-guided photothermal/chemotherapy of tumors. Langmuir, 2019, 35: 13135-13144.
[9] Ning Xia, Daohong Wu, Haiqing Yu, Wanwan Sun, Xinyao Yi, Lin Liu. Magnetic bead-based electrochemical and colorimetric assays of circulating tumor cells with boronic acid derivatives as the recognition elements and signal probes. Talanta, 2021, 221: 121640.
[10] Yujuan Fan, Daohong Wu, Xinyao Yi, Hailin Tang, Ling Wu, Yonghong Xia, Zixiao Wang, Qiuhua Liu, Zaichun Zhou and Jianxiu Wang. TMPyP inhibits amyloid β aggregation and alleviates amyloid induced cytotoxicity. ACS Omega, 2017, 2: 4188-4195.
[1] 指导yl6809永利2022年老员工创新训练项目,基于零维纳米材料的低应变乳β-乳球蛋白生物传感新方法。